Last Saturday, December 2, I had the fantastic opportunity to work with pre-teens in a hand-building workshop, where we created Holiday gifts for our loved ones. After two hours of concentration, fun, and laughter, the students could create large Holiday tree-shaped plates, unique mugs, and coasters.
I always start my classes by demonstrating the activity and the significance of scratch and attach! This is usually the most favorite part for the students because they can securely build larger pieces without hesitation.
Immediately after 15 minutes, my students worked quickly to cut out the base of their tree plates and used the coiling method to create the walls of their plates. Some students made taller and thinner walls, while others made thicker and shorter walls!
Because this was a one-and-done workshop, I used the heat gun to dry the pieces, and the students worked quickly to start painting the plates with underglaze! At this point, the students wanted to race through time to end class with more hand-building pieces.
We had an extra 40 minutes to create slab-built mugs with handles. Some of my students had never made large pieces with hand-building before, and I was incredibly proud of the results. I cannot wait to see the results of their firing using clear and blue glazes! I need to be sure to lead more workshops with the pre-teens and teens of Oak Park! What are your favorite pieces to create for holiday gifts?
